

*My past performances are logged in
ARCHIVES (2006 - 2007), (2008), (2009), (2010), (2011) and (2012).
There are links for photos and to some (not professional) recordings.

My next show: Tribute to Mexican Stars

We'll play from the best repertoire from the 13 most brilliant "Stars" of Mexican music history.

With us will be there the Japan's best guitarist for the Mexican Music, “Jiro” (Hidejiro Mimura, ☛ see the reference here).

March 16th, «Tribute to Mexican Stars», 19:00 at Spanish Bar “Olé”, Takadanobaba, Tokyo. Charge: 1500yen and consumption.
Marie Mine (vocal), “Jiro” & Masami Takaba (guitars).
From the repertoire of Lucha Reyes: “Por un amor”; Jorge Negrete: “Tequila con limón”; Agustín Lara: “Madrid”; José Alfredo Jiménez: “Cuando el destino”; Chavela Vargas: “Llegando a ti”; Pedro Infante: “No volveré”; Lola Beltrán: “Soy infeliz”; Amalia Mendoza: “Pobre del pobre”; Javier Solís: “Esta tristeza mía”; Lucha Villa: “Amanecí en tus brazos”; Juan Gabriel: “Se me olvidó otra vez”; Ana Gabriel: “Un viejo amor”; Luis Miguel: “Y . . .”. And our original song “Corrido de la muchacha oriental”.

For more informations or reservation, write me: marie-mine@hotmail.co.jp

♥Below are two numbers from our Mexican songs show (Dec. 1, 2012)

My first CD "por lágrimas . . ."

I've made the first CD.
If you want to buy it, please write me telling your name and address. I'll mail you the CD immediately.
For the order abroad, I'll enclose a memo with my bank account number. Please send the sum equivalent to two thousand yens to that account.

If you live in Japan, I enclose a paper of YUBIN-FURIKAE (postal remittance) form. You'll take this sangpaper to any post-office in Japan and pay the price of the CD. You need not fill out the form, it's filled out by me. You don't pay more than the price (tax included), 2000 yen.
In both cases, the mailing charge is paid by me.

Write me: marie-mine@hotmail.co.jp

If you want to look at the cover of the CD, know titles of the songs and names of the guitarists, and listen to some fragments, please click HERE.

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